Drive For Us!

Read below for details:

In need of a great part-time position in Crossville, TN?

Anderson Shuttle is the PERFECT job for a new retiree or resident to the Fairfield Glade area that wants to help others, work out of the home, and make some extra income.  We’ve been in business since 2003 taking our customers to the airport and their appointments, and have the reputation as the best transportation service in the area for a reason – our drivers!

Here’s a quick list of what we look for:

  • Excellent driving record – no moving violations in the past 3 years and no accidents.
  • State of TN class F endorsement – easily completed at any local dmv.
  • Flexible schedule and ability to drive early mornings and late evenings on occasion.
  • Personable, friendly, helpful, and customer-oriented mindset and attitude.
  • Ability to problem solve and think independently.


If this sounds like you – Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you asap.